Mind state matters

  • if you know how to generate this energy, you become truly present, truly alive, and you become capable of understanding. With understanding you will become compassionate, and that will change everything.
    -thich nhat hanh

As long as I was pushing away the pain, it had me nailed to the wall. But then I stopped resisting it. I sort of let it in. It was actually a relief. I felt better in spite of it. No longer at odds with everything.

Do these words resonate with you?

Often times it can be our thoughts that keep us from true happiness. This can affect all aspects of being. Mind, life, health and body. Mind state matters provides support, a place of presence to look at how we think. Cultivating compassion and understanding to bring peace to our lives relieving burnout and stress from managing businesses, family and daily life.

With the proper support, these overwhelming thoughts can end. Beginning to work from a place of heart, our intuition that allows flow to replace resistance. With this flow the feeling of life becomes free.

Who am I

I sometimes say it was all sitting right at my feet I just had to be brought to my knees to pick it up. Life has challenges. That’s how we grow and live and learn. Being aware of our thoughts and our mindset can take the worst situation and turn it into our greatest teacher.

After many years living in California as a jewelry designer I knew my true calling was to be of service for others helping to continue the circle of life. I am so grateful health and life coaching has become my passion with a focus on mindset. This was in my youth but needed the life experience to become real, as the journey of Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse illustrates. I would love to be available as a conduit to bring calm to your life.

jessica thayer


With compassion in your heart

You will win over a friend or two friends because we all need compassion and love. Two people together can protect each other and those around them, too. It is our practice to cultivate compassion In our daily lives. With the practice of compassion, we open to one person and then another, and finally, when compassion is present, any place can be a pleasant place to live. When the element of joy enters our bodies and consciousness, together we find peace and joy right here, right now